what is capital in trading?

What is CAPITAL actually?

Capital in Trading

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हेल्लो दोस्तों। आपका फिर से स्वागत है हमारे इस पेज पर। दोस्तों आज  capital के बारे में विस्तार से चर्चा करेंगे। हम आशा करते है कि यह पोस्ट capital को गहराई से समझने में आपकी पूरी सहायता करेगी।

What is CAPITAL actually!Capital in Trading


If you opened an account with 10,000rs & today your account grew to 50,000rs as you made a profit of 40,000rs. Now tell me how much is your CAPITAL today?
The common answer - Rs10,000 is capital and 40,000 is profit. Right?
दोस्तों इसी थिंकिंग कि वजह से लोगों में सट्टा मारने की भावना विकसित होती है। जब वो सोचते है की अब तो उनकी कैपिटल वापिस आ गयी है, अब कोई चिंता नहीं और वो totally डिफेंसलेस्स हो जाते है।
 This is the single most reason that increases the satta attitude in people is that i have recovered my capital. 

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What is CAPITAL actually!

जरा सोच के देखिये आपने अपने account को बड़ा करने के लिए कितनी मेहनत की है, कितनी रातों की नींद छोड़ी है। ये 40,000 आपके कड़े परिश्रम का फल है। इसलिए 10,000 आपकी capital नहीं है बल्कि पूरे 50,000 आपकी capital है।अक्सर लोग सोचते है की हमने जितना पैसे लगाया था वो हमको वापिस मिल गया है, अब तो हमे हमारी मुढ़ी मिल गयी है और हम निश्चिंत होकर बड़े lot लगा सकते है, अब तो हम बड़ा लाभ पाने के लिए बिना किसी चिंता के बड़े लॉट्स मारेंगे। दोस्तों यह एक ऐसा प्लेटफार्म है जहाँ किस्मत से ज्यादा मेहनत एक महत्वपूर्ण रोल अदा करती है। इसलिए सबसे पहले अपने नजरिये को बदलिये। 
आज के लिए इतना ही। सीखते रहिये आगे बढ़ते रहिये। 

What is CAPITAL actually?

Capital in Trading

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Hello friends. Welcome back to our page. Friends will discuss capital in detail today. What is CAPITAL actually! Capital in Trading.We hope that this post will help you fully understand the capital.


If you opened an account with 10,000rs & today your account grew to 50,000rs as you made a profit of 40,000rs. Now tell me how much is your CAPITAL today? . . . The common answer - Rs10,000 is capital and 40,000 is profit. Right? Friends, because of this thinking, people develop a sense of betting. When they think that now their capital is back, now there is no worry and they become completely defenseless.   This is the single most reason that increases the satta attitude in people is that i have recovered my capital.What is CAPITAL actually! Just think how much effort you have made to enlarge your account, how many nights you have left sleep. This 40,000 is the result of your hard work. So 10,000 is not your capital, but the whole 50,000 is your capital. Often people think that we have got back the money we had invested, now we have got our turn and we can rest assured that we can put big lot, now We will hit big lots without any worry to get big profit. Friends, this is a platform where hard work plays an important role more than luck. So first of all change your perspective. That's it for today. Keep learning, keep moving forward. God bless you.

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