What does Bulls and Bears mean?

What does Bulls and Bears mean?

Bulls and Bears in trading.

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हेल्लो दोस्तों। हमारे इस पेज पर आपका फिर से स्वागत है। आज हम जानेंगे कि ट्रेडिंग में BULLS & BEARS किनकों बोलते है। ट्रेडिंग में इनका role क्या है।

What does Bulls and Bears mean?


Bulls to attack, take their heads down to the ground, in our case the bottom & Pull up...
मतलब जो ट्रेडर्स लोग किसी ट्रेड में trend के bottom के बाद market को buy करते हैं और market को ऊपर खींच के ले जाते है, ठीक उसी तरह से जैसे एक सांड अपने opponents को नीचे से उठा कर ऊपर उछाल देता है, उन ट्रेडर्स को हम bulls कहते हैं। और जब वो market उपर उछलता है तो हम उसको bullish market बोलते है।

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bullish market

 When market become bullish, the prices are thrown upwards like a Bull nd those who are buying are bulls..

Bear to attack, stand up fully and then fall heavily with their weight to impart more damage.....
जो ट्रेडर्स लोग किसी ट्रेड में trend क top को पहचान के सेल का आर्डर पंच करते है मतलब मार्किट को खींच के नीचे ले के आते है ठीक उसी तरह से जैसे कोई bear अपने ओप्पोनेंट को पूरी ताकत से उसके उप्पर गिर कर उसे निचे दबा देता है, उन sellers को हम bears कहते है।

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bearish market

When market becomes bearish, prices are thrown downward like the bears.
And those who are selling are Bear.

दोस्तों bullish और bearish दोनों cyclic trends हैं। हर bullish ट्रेंड के बाद bearish ट्रेंड आता है और हर bearish ट्रेंड के बाद bullish ट्रेंड आता है। अगर आप ट्रेंड को फॉलो करेंगे तो दोनों ही ट्रेंड आपको प्रॉफिट में रखेंगे जबकि अगर आप ट्रेंड के रिवर्स में खड़े रहेंगे तो आपको दोनों ट्रेंड खत्म कर देंगे। इसलिए खुद को तयार कीजिये। अपने दिमाग और अपनी आँखों को ट्रेन कीजिये और हमेशा अपने account को bullish ही रखिये। फिर चाहे ट्रेंड bullish हो या bearish.
आज के लिए इतना ही। सीखते रहिये, आगे बढ़ते रहिये।

What does Bulls and Bears mean?

Bulls and Bears in trading.

Learn To Trade.

Hello friends. Welcome back to our page. Today we will know who BULLS & BEARS speak in trading. What is their role in trading.
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What does Bulls and Bears mean?


Bulls to attack, take their heads down to the ground, in our case the bottom & pull up ...

Which means that traders who buy the market after the bottom of the trend in a trade and pull the market upwards, in the same way as a bull raises its opponents from the bottom and bounces up, those traders call the bulls. And when that market bounces up, we call it bullish market.
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bullish market

 When market become bullish, the prices are thrown upwards like a Bull nd those who are buying are bulls

Bear to attack, stand up fully and then fall heavily with their weight to impart more damage .....

The traders who order the top of the trend in a trade, order the cell of the identity, means to pull the market down and pull it down, in the same way that a bear forces his Opponent with full force and falls under it. , We call those sellers bears.
learn to trade, forex trading
bearish market
When market becomes bearish, prices are thrown downward like the bears.
And those who are selling are Bear.

Friends bullish and bearish are both cyclic trends. The bearish trend comes after every bullish trend and the bullish trend comes after every bearish trend. If you follow the trend then both trends will keep you in profit while if you stand in reverse of the trend then you will end both trends. So prepare yourself. Train your mind and your eyes and always keep your account bullish. Then whether the trend is bullish or bearish.

that's it for today. Keep learning, keep moving forward.

God bless YOU...

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